
Wednesday, March 6, 2019

8 Motivational quotes for those who feel down or sad

1. Negative feelings are basically episodic. They can only become eternal when you choose to feed them every day.

 2. When you feel sad, perhaps it is a call from the heaven above who wants you to mend the broken bridge between you and your creator.

 3. There are things our hearts cannot understand but it is okay to shed a few tears to express your emotional struggle because if you can’t understand your sorrows, others also cannot understand them as everyone’s heart went to a different school.

 4. Sadness has a powerful gravity. The only remedy to reduce the power of that gravity is by keeping yourself busy with meaningful and sweet memories.

 5. A smile is not actually faking your own happiness. It is actually the first step to tell your whole body and your soul that you will be okay and you will eventually feel better because a frown can badly hurt you emotionally which will eventually affect your whole body.

 6. If people make you feel sad, let them go. It is okay to consider yourself as your own best friend. If the past makes you feel sad, forgive your past. If you own thoughts make you feel sad, revise that habit.

 7. This world cannot simply put happiness on the plate of our lives. We have to make efforts on how that plate should look like.

 8. Everyone’s sadness is different as we walk on different chapters of life. Therefore, instead of explaining sadness to the ones who are struggling to understand the layers of our sadness, it is better to share the chapters with the universe.

These inspirational and educational quotes about feeling down or sad are originally written by me. If you wish to copy, don’t forget to give credit because a great country is a country that is driven by integrity and originality.

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