Top 5 TED Talks That Would Change Your Life Perspective
The speakers are excellent because they help to rewire
the way we think and act. I have watched the top 5 videos and all I cay say is
their words are very inspiring. We think we already know that subject but these
experienced speakers push us further into the horizon of our own thoughts.
The first video entitled How Great Leaders Inspire
Action ( is about great leaders and innovators such as Steven Jobs, Martin Luther
King and Apple which have great impact on many aspect of our lives today. These
influential figures use the golden circle which incorporates the critical wh
questions such as “why”, “how” and “what”. Ordinary people focus on “what” in
business world. In other words, they focus on what they are going to sell. Some
may only focus on how we are going to sell a product. On the other hand, great
innovators and leaders focus on the word “why” first because they must find out
the solid reason on why they have to do or create something. This word “why”
will drive us further into the future as we need to understand the effects of
our actions today whether it benefits mankind or otherwise. For example, why
must a teacher gives the best in his classroom? He must find the best reason he
has to give the best because the consequences of not giving the best will
definitely haunt him in the future as this failure will depicted clearly in the
The second video was about what makes a good life
based on the longest study about happiness. ( This video helps me to improve the
time that I should have spent with my family and good friends as these two are
the most valuable assets in the world as they are what makes us happy. For
examples, a house can never be considered as a home if your loved ones are not
at home. In addition to that, it is important to keep our good friends as long
as we live because our family and good friends play different but important
roles to keep us happy and healthy. As a father, my presence is more important
than the presents that I have given them as time is the most precious present that
should give generously to our loved ones.
The third video ( is about the habit of judging a book
by its cover. We tend to think that beautiful people are happier than us.
Actually, if we get closer to them or be one of their friends, we will be
surprised to find out that they are the most emotionally insecure people on
earth. The speaker who is also a model really touches the heart of the audience
with her real life experiences. Furthermore, being a model is just like being a
dead object as they are only valued because of their physical beauty for the
sake of selling magazines like hot cakes. Last but not least, if you are happy
for who you are whether you are physically beautiful or less attractive, that
is more than good enough in this fake world.
The fourth video is about the art of conversation. This
video ( is so powerful because the speaker shared authentic experiences about
this topic which makes reflect on the way we communicate with our friends,
colleagues, parents, children and strangers. The most beautiful and meaningful
line from that video is “ we always listen to respond” which is completely
wrong as it retards the speaker from vomiting everything that he or she wants
to say. This annoying interruption stops the flow of a conversation. Advice should
only be given when it is asked. If they don’t ask for it, just sit there and
listen attentively. I really admire one of her sentences when she said
“everybody is good at something”. Therefore, we shall not judge somebody before
he or she finishes what they want to say because every conversation is a golden
opportunity to learn.
The last video is about the secrets to be happy ( I
personally believe that it is not a secret because we know about it long time
ago but due to too much ego and ignorance in us, we refuse to acknowledge how
important this opened secret is. According to the speaker, our happiness is
determined by how well we respond to everyday challenge or stress. We can
either let stress build or destroy us because stress is a part of life. It cannot
be deleted like deleting folder in your computer. We just have to face it and
find the causes of stress to prevent the stress taking over our lives. For
example, if financial stress is bothering us, we should study our spending
habit. If the spending habit is good, perhaps it is time to look for second
These videos are full of wisdom as the sharing
sessions were based on real life experiences and validated study. You should
watch it more than twice or keep it as occasional reminder as human is
naturally forgetful as we can easily be off track sometimes in life.
Click the picture. Thank you.
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